Sunday, May 20, 2012

Taylor turns 1

You know how you remember just where you were and what you were thinking when something major happens in the world. Well the birth of my niece Taylor, went a little something like that. Its been 365 days since she entered our lives and now I struggle to recall what life was ever like without her not being here. From the moment we met her our lives were forever chagned....ALL for the better. She has filled our hearts with love - made a few wrinkles on our faces from smiling and our guts ache from laughing. She carries happiness with her in the simplest form - she just likes to BE. Its thru her eyes and the way she sees the world around her that we are exploring all the wonder this life has to ofter. Before Taylor we wouldn't be found trying to spot as many birds possible and sit for extended periods of time watching them fly. Now we race to the window to show her because we know this site will form a smile on her face. Before Taylor we didn't just sit and do nothing - now we will be still and just watch her. I guess you could say we are completely taken by this little girl. Head over heels wrapped around our finger can't get enough of TAKEN. Ya we prolli spoil her but we just can't help ourselves because she spoils us with joys and happiness that can't be bought but only found with being in her presences. Its funny how one day this person wasn't in your life and the suddenly they are here and everything changes. All I know is that I am glad this life now has her in it.

Taylor you have changed us all... You have a very very special place in our hearts. We love you sooo much. Know that to us you are our HOPE. Hope for a better tomorrow. Hope that miracles happen. Hope that happiness can be found in darkness. Hope to keep fighting. You have taught us to enjoy to truly enjoy the simple things. To find happiness in the most normal everyday moments. To make the time to just sit and watch and realize the beauty this life has in it - by just breathing and living each and every day that we are granted to be here. I know that for Granny you are her secret level or strength and will. Its your laugh. your smile. your hugs. your kisses. your giggle. your looks. your love that keeps her going. Keeps her wanting to fight fight fight. Your a pretty special little girl Taylor... and you will ALWAYS BE. I realized something if our lives can change soo much in just 365 days... I can't even imagine how our lives will continue to change all for the better with each year that passes that we have with YOU. Today its all about you girl!!! And my wish is that you always feel this love and warmth that soo many have for you. That you know each and everyday just how special you are. Just the gift you are to this world and to those who know and love you. That on your darkest days you see the light of hope to keep carrying on....Because Tay- to us you are that light. We love you. Happy 1st Birthday!!!

1 comment:

Walker said...

Great post!!
I can see how very special Taylor is to you.
Kids change your life even if they are not yours.
I know they have changed mine and still do to some extent.

Wait, it gets better and crazier.