Monday, July 26, 2010

Family Time

Sometimes the best moments and best memories are made by doing simple everyday things. For us we can escape to Paradise and its only minutes away. We put on our swimwear, some spf and pack a cooler and head out the door. We fish. We chat. We laugh. We tell stories and jokes. We make memories. We just hang as a family. We burn a little with too much sun. We take a few photos and just sit and relax. Its the way life is suppose to be.

Its easy to forget about life when you are floating on a boat in the middle of the water on a calm summer sunny day. Your troubles worries and stresses don't know how to swim so they are forced to stay ashore. I hope you are able to find such moments in your life. Today I am wishing you simple moments in your life that you can relax. enjoy. smile. and find yourself at peace.

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