Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Too Much

I spend my summers living with my cousins during what i call wedding season since i come back to North Dakota to take photos. My cousin Travis is married to Jill and they have four kids... Sabrina, Sadey, Sharlotte (who i call my monkey - is also my god-daughter) and Luke. Its always an adventure in this household something is always going on. And I love spending time with this cool and hip family. Of course being the godmother of a two year old is always a ball esp when your godchild is Sharlotte. She is 53% naughty 47% funny. 100% cute. The kid cracks me up because she is always doing something. She can not say Michelle so I have a special name... Moo - How. To say godmother like godchild ummm just might be dead on. She is about as wild crazy always on the move like I am. She can usually be found dumping all of her toys on the floor, demanding she needs something like Moo-How I need gum... Moo-How I need duice (juice)... Moo-How I need ... She also hates going to sleep at night... she fights it because we can already tell she's going to be a night owl. She is also mad about bandaids... she always needs at least one stuck on somewhere of her body at all times. She has some gangster in her because when she wears her pj pants her left leg pan must be ushed up above her knee - we aren't sure why. I believe I have to use the word gentle with her at least 20 some times day. She like me to pick her up and she proceeds to take her hands and snap my face in a play like matter which usually turns into a full out slap if i dont say Monkey Gentle. She is also ALL about questions and no matter what you say she will ask the same question over and over and over and over and over again usually will go like this Moo- How where's my daddy at i will answer only for her to ask again and I will answer she will ask again. Once i was in the basement editing photos she yells as she's coming down the steps Moo-How what you doing...I say editing pictures this convo of asking and answering proceeds for at least 5 mins finally I start saying I am buying a ticket to fly to asian. Shar goes back up stairs and then informs Sadey that Moo-How goin to Asia...
I ask her if anyone has seen my monkey and her response is to hide her face in her hands and wait for me to find her.... no she doesn't actually hide the rest of her body... it will go something like this i will come up the stairs she will be playing in the middle of the floor and i will shout out has anyone seen my monkey - she will bring her hands to her face and FREEZE and be dead silent like she has disappeared. I usually pretend to look around for her for at least a couple of seconds and then say... oh there she is. She will look at me with a huge smile on her face and say something like me moo-how's monkey. She is two years old and well has sun bleached blonde hair she appears to be somewhat bald looking but the hair is slowly coming in but she is the cutest kid ever... she has most of her family and extend family wrapped around her finger. She calls my older brother Paul...Money - no idea... and she calls my younger brother Jacorian - torian. I am also beginning to notice that Moo - How will prolli end up sticking since now most of my family is calling me Moo - How. The things we do for the love of a 2 year old. Back to the main reason I decided to blog about my wild completely cute sometimes naughty two year old monkey. at night she comes to say goodnight to me and give kisses and hugs... i am not sure why she usually is up still for the next hour or so and then gives kisses and hugs again but we go thru this every night anyways with hopes she will actually go to bed..who are we kidding... anyways she jumps into me arms gives me a bear hug and kisses my face and brings her face close to mine so we are eye to eye. She says Moo-How me love you. I say back monkey do you know how much I love you...she looks at me with a grin and says... too much. I smile and say yup too much.. I kiss her forehead she jumps out of my arms and runs off (in a way that you can tell she is sooo not tired). TOO MUCH ... well Sharlotte years from now you may cause too much trouble. you may be a little too wild. you may be a little too much naughty but i promise you i will never love you too much to be enough. You and Me we will always be two peas and a pod and when you cause all holy hell and get way over your head in a situation you come see your Moo-How because I am positive I will understand... alittle TOO MUCH 0

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