Thursday, September 18, 2008

So long Oxbow

As I sit in a golf cart on a perfect Friday morning watching Jess, Amy, Tricky Dick and my brother golf I am reminded just how much I will miss this place. Oxbow Country Club has been a place where I was everyone's favorite least whenever I was driving the beer cart.

When I first stared working here I never would have thought I would have so much fun and meet so many amazing people and find a couple of friends who I know will be part of my journey friends meaning they will always be with me as I travel thru this life. Because of these people my co-workers and the members out at oxbow working out here never seemed like work to me. For I had such a blast being out on the course and being in the clubhouse.

Thou there were my days of dreading it and even moments where I couldn't take another moment serving or working with so and so--just like everyone has at one point or another. I still find myself very grateful for what this job what this time what oxbow has given me for thou it paid extremely well I walked away with more than money in fact what I walked away with is something that is priceless and no amount of money could ever come close to buying. For it lies in the memories, the friendships lessons and experiences I was granted during my time at Oxbow.

I didn't realize just how much I was going to miss this place until yesterday during my last day of was found in the smiles the laughs the hugs and in the amazing kind words people said to me. I always hoped I was more than just some girl who served beer out at Oxbow and yesterday I did in fact believed that I was more.

My thanks to ALL of you who made Oxbow more than just a job. Those who made me feel like I belonged and made me feel more than just someone who was there to serve. For I know I was changed for the better from my time here at Oxbow and I became more for knowing all of you!

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