Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thankful in November

NOV 18th - for my two godchild - Mady and Shar. I am utterly honored to be your godmother. I am so proud of both of you and I am grateful for the memories I have with you both thus far and look forward to a lifetime of those to come. You both make me smile and laugh. Always know I love you!

NOV 19th - for my godparents. Uncle Bobby and Aunt Karla. I have always felt spoiled and loved by you and that is something that has not changed as the years go by. Thank you for always making me feel important and showing me that I matter to you.

NOV 20th - for Janelle and Jami... thoughts that lie too deep for words. My bond with you two is a bond that can never be broken nor can it ever fade. You are stuck with me just as I am stuck with you two. No matter where this life takes us I find comfort and strength that I can always find you two by my side. I am more simply because you are apart of my life.

NOV 21st - for spending this week in Beulah with my parents. I always love how simple everything is - just living is simple. And I realize its because of the way my parents live their lives is a direct reflection on how I live my life...its simple to just be...to be grateful. to be thankful. to be happy. to laugh. to smile. to just be. I am so honored to have two amazing people to call my parents. They are still teaching me the greatest lessons about life...simply how to live it...I am thankful for all the memories, lessons they have brought me and the endless love they always give.

NOV 22nd - today I am grateful to have spent most of the day with my niece Taylor. Being able to take your pix Taylor is quite the honor for your auntie...I love how you follow the camera and smile for me...you are the perfect little model and you know just how to doll up the nikon. But as much as I love taking your photos I LOVE YOU even more. I think you are just simply perfect and you always will be. I am so blessed to have you in my life I love you even thou you suck your toes.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thankful in November

NOV 9th - I am thankful for the people I met in Australia - who took me in right away and made me feel at home in a place where I didn't know a soul.  For those mates that helped me find myself and become myself in the land downunder. YOU ALL hold a special place in my soul - oh how I miss you ALL and look forward to the day where I see ALL your faces again.

NOV 10th - I am thankful for the childhood I was blessed to have. Years where I was allowed just that a childhood that was filled with laughter, smiles, memories and love. One where I wasn't forced to learn hard life lessons, one where I wasn't forced to grow up because of hate-death-crime or abuse. One where I could run the streets with the neighborhood crew without fear. One where I was allowed to play dream discover learn explore grow...what a gift it is to have such memories to think back on.

NOV 11th - I am thankful for all those who serve this country, have served, will serve and those who have gave their lives for this country.  We are American because of the strong and the brave that protect and serve this country. THANK YOU just doesn't seem to be enough.

NOV 12th - I know this is kind of a strange one but that I can listen to Cities 97 out of Minneapolis via the internet... YOU HAVE NO IDEA how obessed I am with listening to this radio station whenever I am in the cities and now I can listen to it ALWAYS...LOVE IT.

NOV 13th - I am thankful for a weekend spent with my family bonding out in the middle of nowhere just us 6 plus Taylor and the dogs-bonding, eating, drinking, laughing, smiling and making memories. HOW GREAT it truly is to be with my brothers, my parents, my sister, my niece and the boys....a time we truly needed.

NOV 14th - For the teachers I have had in my life from K thru 12 to college to grad school. Those special people that invested their time knowledge and energy in me because they thought I was worthy of such a gift, that I was worthy to learn the lessons they had to teach.  My foundation was laid with solid frame because of such great people that taught me, a foundation that i can build up from and stand strong on.

NOV 15th - For the medical world that continue to gain knowledge and growth to find cures - treatments to heal those who are sick and ill and to provide comfort for those who are terminal ill.  I pray we will some day find a cure for AIDS and a cure for cancer. Thank you to all of you who are doctors, nurses and play a role in the medical world. ESP those who take care of my mom.

NOV 16th - For my friends  - those near and far who always make me feel like I matter.  who always go above and beyond to let me know they are there for me always. To have such friends is a gift that I can never truly describe. THANK YOU FRIENDS.

NOV17th - For roof over my head and warmth on such chilly days as winter creeps in.  I realize this is something that no everyone has even in American. I have such things as heat and can pay the bills to turn heat on and leave it on to keep my home warm at all times. I realize its a thing to be grateful for because its something that not all have.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Thankful in November

NOV 5th - Today I am thankful for my grandparents. Tillie & the late Jacob Koch and Florian & the late Miranda Goldmann. Through out my life they have given me so much - support, encouragement, understanding, patience, their time, of themselves and most of all their greatest gift they have given me - their love. I have memories of holidays, birthdays, weekends, vacations, school programs and sporting event....I am so blessed to have had all four of these people in my life and in such an important role as my grandparents. I can only hope that the life I live reflects back on them in such a way that they are proud of the person that I am - the way that I lve my life - treat others that they are proud of the role they have had in my life and that I have used the gifts and lessons they have brought into my life and taught in the greatest way possible...that I am more today because they were apart of my life. I never want to find a day that I am not thankful blessed and grateful to have such amazing people in my life...I love you Gramps Granny Granpda and Grandma.  Thank You for all you have done to make me feel special and loved...for showing me with your love that I matter.

NOV 6th -I am thankful for my big mama....Rebecca...its her birthday today...HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECK...she was my roommate for two years in college and I am utterly grateful for your friendship. Thank you Becky for simply being YOU. I love ya, mate

NOV 7th - I am thankful for the Kochs (Travis - Jill - Sabrina - Sadey - Sharlotte and Luke). For opening up your home to me and giving me a place to be while I am in Fargo. I have never felt like I am burden to you guys you have always made me feel wanted - that you want me here and when I am gone in Montana you miss that I am not here. I love being here and apart of your everday lives. I am so blessed to have such people like you as my family. I love laughing smilng and just being with all of you. You have brough so much life into my everday world. Its sometimes chaos and a zoo - circus at home but that's just the way I love it...all of us together just living life... thank you for letting me be apart of your family.

NOV 8th - I am thankful for my aussie mates that are downunder... I miss you all! Know that not a day goes by that I don't think of you all and realize just how blessed I am to have you in my life - to have met you all during my time in Austraila... You girls changed my life by simply being you and welcoming me to the land downunder. I wish you knew how you gals changed my life. I look forward to seeing you all someday soon.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Thankful in November

Happy Friday Peeps...its a beautiful late fall day here... Can you believe its already November...i am sure some of you already have the christmas count down doing...not here...i have a turkey day countdown...my favorite holiday...a holiday that we celebrate being thankful...no gifts. just simply gathering together eating and being grateful and thankful for the life we have been given and get to live. Oh and eating lots doesn't add to it or anything... The month of November I decided that I was going to be be grateful and thankful everyday ... I slacked alittle but just because I didn't post doesn't mean I failed at this task...I thought it and said it out loud so thats all that counts...now I will bring you all up to speed...

NOV 1st....I am beyond thankful actually I am blessed for the family I was brought into this world to have. To have the last name Goldmann...I am honored.  To have Koch genes and traits in me....I am honored. I realize how grateful I am to have such an amazing family my parents my brothers (Paul and Jacorian) my sisters (Shonna and Jami) my niece (Taylor) my boys (Kobe and Gauge) and then my extended family filled with aunts uncles grandparents cousins...Its a zoo when we are all together but I am so happy and honored to call them all family and to spend time with them. I know my greatest gift in this life is the family I have been given.

NOV 2nd...breathing...I am grateful and thankful to simply BE HERE. To be ALIVE. It is a gift to have simply days to live. each day I get is an extra. Living is earned is a gift...because not everyone gets to have another day. Breathing in itself is something you should feel honored to simply do...being here. living...its something to be thankful for each and everyday day you get.

NOV 3rd....my freedom...the fact that I can live my life how I want and think I should live it. That I have no limits to my goals. to my dreams. to how I picture and live my life. That I have the freedom to speak my mind. that I can lead or follow in this life. That my voice matters. That I can vote. That I have the same rights as everyone else. Being a woman today is not like being a woman back then....I am thankful for this changes in society... BUT by no way are we done making the changes we need...Much progress still needs to be made to recognize and legalize marriage simply as uniting to human lives together. to end racism. to end abuse. to end hatred. to end judging and just allow people to live their lives. To realize our voice doesn't out weight another. that just because we don't think its right doesn't mean its wrong....we have a long ways to go but i believe we will get there...until then I am grateful and thankful for the changes we have thus far.

NOV 4th...Military Forces...I am thankful for their service to this country. I am thankful for their sacrifices for the things they give up for you for me for their families and friends for this country so we can live free. without worry. That they are out there protecting us and this country. For those you enlist. those who re-enlist those you gave their lives. THANK YOU. This country is what it is because of people like you who step up. For such a huge role you play in this country I feel like Thank You doesn't begin to cover how grateful thankful blessed we feel. I am honored to be an American because of people like YOU.