Wednesday, April 3, 2013


You ever find yourself waiting... Waiting for the bathroom. Waiting in the check out line. Waiting for concert dates to be announced. Waiting for the fish to bit. Waiting for the store to have your size in store. Waiting for you food to be cooked. Waiting for a paper to be graded. Waiting Waiting Waiting. I hate it simple as that. Well I don't hate it hate it I don't complain while waiting because it does simply no good. But the acutal WAIITNG well it about sucks the life out of me. Sometimes I wish life supplied you with a remote so you can fast forward. stop. or replay...however that is not the case is it...

I get the whole waiting to be surprised thing when you are having a baby...but ot be honest I don't think I could wait...the suspense would drive me crazy...I would go back and forth I am sure for not wanting to know to having to know to finally just NEEDING and HAVING to know. I will admit I do over all well with trust in my journey esp during times that I do not understand it. Yet there are those moments I just want to know...I prolli would fall in that group of people that would want to know how long they have on this earth but then again on a given day that thought may change...I am on the fence about it and prolli will be thankfully its not something I can ever truly 100% find out. I want to have faith in the life I live that will bring me to the places I need to be and I will be surrounded by the people I need to be. Trouble is that sometimes my wants do not match up to my needs. There lies the problem. There are certain things I just want and in a way need badly. And the whole waiting part sometimes over takes me. To the point where I just have to do something get as busy as I possibly can so my mind does not drift in a way i completely forget about it. BUSY i can handle its the part when I slow down and realize I am still waiting that I go crazy with. YET its a fact of life somethings in life we just have to let play out and see how it goes....its annoying. its hard. and its just the way it goes simple. as. that. does blow doesn't it. And the worse part if you aren't careful how you handle such a thing it can swallow you whole it can consume you in stress. worry. fear....and sometimes its all for nothing. Yet with age i am learning to deal with it in a more positive matter....what is that you may ask....oh course OUT of SIGHT OUT of MIND...duh!! The funny truth is as immature and at times as unhealthy as it appears it truly is the best thing you can do.... to put it on the back burned and figure it out with time. Its like that saying goes if your watching and waiting for a pot to boil walk away stop looking at it and the time won't seem like its taking forever. I guess life can be viewed in the same way stop focusing on it...allow your eyes to view other thigns allow your mind to drift and before you know will be done waiting.

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