Sunday, December 26, 2010

Leaving the 20's

Today I am celebrating my last day as a 29 year old. Tomorrow will be a milestone, I will leave my twenties behind and enter the years of the thirties. I am told I am the most relaxed 29 year old on the edge of being 30. Not sure what that means, I guess I never understood what the big deal is about aging. To me a birthday (well at least my birthday) is just another day of the year. I have never felt young nor old, so in all honestly I really don't remember feeling any different turning 9 16 25 or soon to be 30. They have all felt the same. Just another day to celebrate being alive and well. Another year to reflect and remember the blessings this life holds by simply being able to live it. So I say bring on the dirty thirties, why not just another year to find reasons everday to LOVEthisLIFE.

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