Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happy New Year. We said goodbye to 2010 at midnight and hello to 2011. As we reflect upon the last 365 days of this past year we think of our losses and our gains. We think of our tears and our smiles. We think of our trials and our triumphs. We hope that our laughter out weighs our sorrow. That our mistakes and failures are learning stepping stones to help us grow and become one step closer to who we are meant to be. That our hate in our life is weakened by the love in our life. That we know fully of the blessings in our life. We hope that upon reflecting of all that has happened in 2010 we take it all in full circle for it has lead us to this new year. Though we have walked in times of darkness we know we have never been fully alone. Though we have felt the coldness that life can be we have also felt the warmth of love and support of others. Though we have been knocked down we have found ourselves standing up and brushing ourselves off. We have found that though life can be tough, we can truly be tougher.

As we embark on this new year of 2011, I wish you all 365 days of moments that make you feel blessed and loved to just be you. I wish you a year filled with changes and challenges to help you grow and become. I wish you the comfort and support from those around you. I wish you the peace and understanding in moments of trial and struggle. And above all I wish for you to know and realize the gift it is to to simply be breathing and alive. And the gift it is to just be you. Life is never perfect and neither are we, but we can enjoy the ride of life and live perfectly as outselves. Here's to 2011. Happy New Year.

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