Friday, March 4, 2011

Embrace Change

Change happens so slowly, that you don't know if your life is getting better or worse until one day you happen to notice that it is in fact better. Somewhere between wondering when will this change get better and struggling through that change the tide changed. Without you even realizing it, thats one of life's great mysteries. How things can change without us really knowing when it happened or how it happened. It just well happened.

Time has away of taking things away from us, some in ways we wish it would just hurray up already and in other ways we wish we were never robbed of such moments, feelings and memories. And that's the thing about life if we want to ditch the bad then we can't expect to hold onto the good. You have to take life as it comes, you can't just embrace and live for the days where the sun is shinning down upon you, you also have to live for the days where you are casted amongst the rocks. Life is a two sided coin - you take one within the other.

So you might as well learn the lessons, experience the growth and become in those moments you wish you could escape. For each moment has something to offer us - even if you don't believe it or see it. It offers you a chance to learn. to grow and to become. Life is about constant change - no use in fighthing against this - its a battle you will never win. Instead embrace the change. Sit with the pain and hurt. Explore this moment instead of running from it. Besides running away will never make you free, and sooner or later you will have to deal with what your running away from. You always have a choice in the matter and that choice is your attitude and your outlook on life. You have a choice to learn grow and become or to stay the same. Why stay the same when you are meant to be more. In order to be more you have to learn grow and become. And yes, that mainly comes from things like change, struggle, hurt, loss, challenges, and pain. So embrace it, and let it become apart of you, let your weaknesses one day before a strength.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We fear change, but it's more about our perception of danger than anything else, embrace change, indeed.