Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Today I am thankful for the people that surround me and the people that share in this journey of life with me - for the people that give my life meaning way beyond what words can possibly come close to describe. For each and everyone that has been in my life - is in my life and will be in my life. I am more simply because of having you here. It doesn't matter the why when what or how that brought you here nor does it matter the lenght you have stayed it just all comes down to the fact you were here. you are here. you will be here. I realize quite some time ago not all are as lucky and as blessed. This thing we call life its well pretty darn beautiful  - it might take our breath away from amazement or leave us gasping for air when it punches us in the gut during times of challenge yet what remains true is the bonds we form with another. Sharing this life... Today I am thankful for YOU... all of you... too too too many to even name...but i still say to you.... THANK YOU for being YOU and for being here.

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