Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Seven girls...each so different-a single strand that encompasses their being but yet all together those strands are completed to form a solid friendship built of strength, love, laughter and so much more. I am not sure how I ever got to be blessed with their friendship-but I do know that I will never let that friendship or one of those girl's escape from my life. Together we laugh til we cry. We create memories that we will never forget. We divide sorrow and double happiness. I have complete trust and faith in each and every single one of those girls. I know I can be my complete true self and they will not judge me or try to change me. They truly are just down to earth girls that just want to have fun. All we need is a case of beer or a bottle...i mean bottles of wine and we are set. The time we spend together is now short and long in between but it doesn't matter...we pick right where we left off and tend to have the best of times together. They are that core group of girls that I know will be in my life for the many many years to come. I have never been truly mad at them...even when they left me in the cities downtown...shit happens. I have never thought anything but the best of each of is what makes us all so different that makes our friendship so strong...There's a bit of each of us in all of us...For i know they were right with me on the beaches in Australia, skiing right by my side on the slopes in the fish...they are everywhere I go...I see their smiles and hear their laughter....even when they are far...they are always right with my in my heart. I am one lucky gal to just happen to fall upon the friendships of a lifetime. A friendship that I am hoping and knowing that I will have a lifetime to come. For I don't see my life without them in it. I can't think of girlfriends without thinking of them. Its these girls that I would call with best news ever or the worse news ever. The ones that I know that will make me laugh and dry my tears...I am blessed beyond words.

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