Monday, June 22, 2009

Spending my time

I have been struggling with the fact that my life almost has too much in it. I want to down size. I want to donate. I want to give. Its so easy to spend here. To buy... to over buy. I think of the things that I have in my life. And I am grateful for them but yet I can't help but think... do I really need all of this... STUFF... because in the end... its just stuff and I can't take any of it with me when I leave. I know I am way better now than what I have been in the past. But there are still times were I find myself wanting to buy... and I simply now say to myself... do you really need it? And if I do... why? Do I need two pairs or 6 pairs of brown shoes just because they are cute. When really all one needs is just a pair? Do I really need a new top when I have 7 hanging in the closet? Do I really need to go out to eat tonight if I can grill the chicken I have in the freezer? Do I really need to go here or there just because I have the day off when I can just be at home and get things done? Do I really need... When truly its not need I am thinking at first but want. I have also come up with something to hopefully downsize my life and lead a more simple one. For everything that I do end up buying I must part with something. Instead of buying when I can rent or buy used. I am trying to find ways that I can simplify my life in other ways as well. Because like I said... you can't take anything in this life with you when you go unless its a memory or a feeling. The rest... a lifetime of spending... stays behind.

So today starts the day where I spend... not money but time... loving, giving, helping. Where I spend my time trying and hoping to make a real difference and a lasting impact. Today I pray starts the day where I spend my time the right way. I have spoiled myself and my life too much. Spoiled myself with too many wants and not enough needs. Its time I start spending my time on needs in this life and not wants.

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