Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ski Bum to just BUM.

The ski season it ending fast...just five days left and this girl will go from a ski bum to just a bum. As I try to cram in as much skiing I can in these last fews days, I am still completely blown away by my surroundings. As I took Chair One up to the Summit on an extend lunch/skiing break, I was just taken back by what laid before my eyes. What has laid before my eyes since the start of this adventure in Nov. I realized just how much I am goin to miss this place once I leave for the summer months. But I can't wait to come back towards the end of the summer and hit up the Glacier National Park and then once again become a ski bum. As I reflect upon my time in Whitefish I am filled with a sense of just pure joy and peace. Thou at times I was wondering what the heck I was doing or even thinking. I am glad in the end I trusted my gut. I trusted myself, and above all I had trust in my journey. I have made so pretty amazing friends and have been able to join the company of many and most of all have had this amazing chance to Capture life in the FISH LANE. I am sure goin to miss taking Chair One to the Top and just standing in aww of what I get to see once I get to the Summit. I realize that this might be one of the best views I have ever taken in or seen in my life thus far. I know this time here has changed me and this place has become a huge part of me. I once again found a little of myself here. She is always hiding out in the strangest of places. There are so many times that I have felt completely lost...like at the start of the season. If you were to ask those that knew me, or those that came out here and spent time with me. They would have straight up said I was acting completely unlike me in such a way that it worried or even scared them. But then I woke up one day and I found myself. It was as simple as that. I tend to do that...I go on these wild and crazy self quests or down spins as I like to call them...they go until I run it out of my system and then I am fine and good to go. Almost like it never happened. But each time I find myself on these quest they help me find a little of myself. A part of me that was needed to be found. Now more than ever I know that some how if I just trust myself and my journey and have a little faith...some how it seems to always work out. Esp. when you decide to chuck the map out the window along with the schedule of arrivals and departures. And just travel at your own pace, you aren't afraid of getting lost, or delayed or taking the round about way. Living in Montana has slowed down my pace and has helped me to just relax and enjoy the ride. Who am I kidding I truly haven't really slowed down but its about as slow as I am ever goin to go. But I think the greatest of lessons I have learned is that of who I take with me on this journey. I know now that its impossible for me to stay in the best of touch with each and every person I have in my life or have ever met. Some of these people and the relationships I formed with them were never meant to be life lasting. However that doesn't mean for a second that I don't take them with me as I travel this road of life. However it does mean that I can't talk to each and every one of them all the time nor can I physically make it possible for me to visit each and everyone of them. So You find out just who you can't go without talking to or without seeing. And you realize that these are the life journey friends you have. The ones you find you can't travel the road of life without. The ones that I will try my hardest with staying in touch with and the ones that I will go out of my way to make sure I see them. Thats a lesson I have had needed to figure out for sometime now. And thanks to Whitefish I found that out. I will miss the amazing surroundings when I leave for the summer but I am excited to see the faces of those that I have missed and wished I could see each and everyday. And I can't wait to head back to Life in the FISH LANE at summer's end.

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