Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Learn, grow, change.

"Growth is painful-change is hard. And there are days you wish it would just stop. Wouldn't it be great to just know. To feel like you finally figured it all out. To just be done. Its the hardest and most wonderful thing about being alive. That & no matter how much you learn, grow and change you are never done." -From Being Erica.

The truth is that as long as your heart is beating and air is filling your lungs...Life is about changing, learning and growing. It will never stop til our life on this earth is thru. We wake up each day and face the possibilty that today could be a great day, a not so good day or a terrible day. We laugh. We cry. We love. We hurt. We fail. We succeed. We are on top of the world. We have the world sucked from within us. We think we have had our best day, then another day comes that tops it.We think we have hit our lowest low and something else happens. We do all of this day in day out without even thinking. Without even realizing most days just how strong, how enduring, how capable the human soul is when it comes to just simply living this life.

We all know of such stories that leave you thinking how did they wake up the next day after this. How do they carry on? I have said it 1,000's of times. And the answer is simply because they had to. Life stops for no one. We carry on. And sometimes that going on is simply waking up the next day. And making it thru the day. There is no manual that truly knows how to live this life. There is no manual that gives us guidence to being...human... In many ways we are the authors' of such a thing. We are writing it as we live. Thru trial-error, happiness-sadness, in our lowest of days and brightest of days. And I say to you...there is no wrong way of living this life. I say to you that your life right now is just how its meant to be. I say to you that your life has value and meaning. I say to you that this dark storm won't last forever. I say to you that you will find growth from this. That you will endure. That you are capable. That you are strong. That you will carry on. Its these life's moments that bring value to our good and best days. Its these life's moments that we realize that life is sometimes painful and hard...but we can be tougher. we carry on. We can learn. We can change. We can grow. Especially in times we never think we are going to make it... WE will.

Living in Whitefish we will go without seeing the sun for days sometimes weeks. We find ourselves engulfed in gloomy clouds. And then a day comes its as simple as the sun rose, and there it is. Like it has never left, like its always been there...And in many ways thats life...out of nowhere we find ourselves living, smiling and laughing...it just happens. And thats the miracle of just being and just living.

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