Wednesday, January 6, 2010

There's the Sun.

Its been awhile since we have seen the sun in the Fish. We have had days packed with snow and slopes slammed with pow pow. NO COMPLAINING HERE. However its amazing the attutide and postive zibe seeing and feeling that big old sun can have.
Most mornings I head to work in the dark and return in the dark. And through out the day the clouds sprinkle or in our case lately dump the white puffy flakes from the sky (again not complaining). You go about your daily routine really not noticing. UNTIL...we have a blue bird day. Its then you realize just how much you have missed that sun. And thou we have been granted powder days of great skiing...Skiing with the sun and taking in the breath taking views of the Flathead Valley and the Flathead Mountain Range are just as much fun.
I am in no shape or form lying or taking things out of context when I say that the landscape your eyes take in on top of Big Mountain WILL take YOUR BREATH AWAY. And no matter how many photos I take of this Nature Landscape, or what words I write to describe it... It can never be fully captured through someone else's words or seen in a photo. Its a view that one must take in with their own eyes. One must be standing on the top of Big Mountain and take in the 360 degree view. And only then in that moment will you realize that Mother Nature and the Lord of above have some amazing handy work.
Sometimes with days like these you find yourself just stopping. And you take the time to fully and completely soak in that moment. And you find yourself saying Thank you... to someone you can't even see but know is listening. And if you are like also say...there's the sun...oh how I have missed you.

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