Sunday, March 21, 2010

An I.O.U.

I think of the things and places my eyes have seen. The beaches of Australia, the mountains of Montana, the prairies of North Dakota just to name a few. I think of the lives that have touched and changed my life. The laughter I have shared with oh so many. The smiles that have formed acrossed my face. The love that has been given and received. The moments of my life... Where I will go and where I have come from.

Why have I been given so much?? Why has my life been so kind?? Why is it all these amazing people walked into my life. What did I ever do and more importantly how in the world will I ever show such gratefulness and thankfulness. How do I pay back what has been given to me.?? For now its simply an I.O.U. With hopes one day I will be able to give back what has been given to be... Its not just one moment one place nor one person... My entire life I realize is one big I.O.U.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You do not owe anyone anything MIchelle. You have given each of us so much to be thankful for. We are very proud of you and we love you to pieces.
