Friday, October 28, 2011


"Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore.Dream.Discover."

It is that time where I feel I am ready to do just this. Sometimes in life we allow ourselves to stay at a stand still - somewhat settling ourselves our dreams our goals our destiny to be with those we love. Just as we are all different in this life there are no two people alike the same goes for living this life. Some are utterly happy sewing. reading. having a family. setting down roots - raising a children. climbing the career ladder. dating. building. learning. traveling. We all live our lives well the way that we think is best for our selves. Some of us share this life with a partner a husband a wife. Some of us have children some of us have pets.  Some alone some with friends some with family. However we live our lives or who we live our lives with one common trait links us all together. We all are just trying to make our way thru this life and be happy. Its that simple we want to be happy. And one thought that tends to be the same for all of us iswe all want a better life... we all want to improve our lives to be living our best life possible. The question that we all are trying to figure out is how do we get there... How do we have and live such a life. I won't pretend to even begin to think I have the answers but for me its found when I take chances. do something I fear. When I allow change. When I am willing to go outside my comfort zone and experience life in a different culture thru different eyes. When I don't allow myself to settle. I am looking forward to this winter and the days to come because I am ready to set out and explore. to take chances. to allow change into my life. To live outside my comfort zone...I am ready to set out to improve my life.To change my life - I am ready to journey on the path of happiness that will include challenging myself and see where it will lead and take me. I have been at a stand still and ready to venture out to see what is beyond the life that I have lived... what else is out there for me to learn. to grow. to experience. to see. I am ready to see  where this journey will take me and who I will meet along the way. I am focus and determined that I will embark on this new path and find a part of myself that has not been found... Life its about growing and learning and if you aren't growing and learning then I highly think you need to make a change in your life. I highly think you need to take a chance. There is so much out there in this world for you not to be growing and becoming... I dare you to... to make a change. to take a chance. to step outside your comfort zone. I DARE you to join me... I am in quest of an uncharted path... that will let me discover explore learn and become thru simply life and living...and maybe just maybe along the way I will touch a few lives and a few lives will change me... We all can make changes to our lives... they don't need to be huge massive changes or taking a rambling chance it can be small as exposing yourself to a different culture eating at a new place instead of the place you know the menu by heart. It can be learning something new sewing hunting buliding cooking. It can be big like finally getting a different job one that you will like and look forward to going to instead of hating it and only living for saturdays and sundays... It doesn't matter what it is... Its YOU that decides... Its YOU... I DARE YOU... you going to take a chance... you going to allow the change... you going to step outside your comfort zone... I bet there is a life just awaiting for you to explore and discover but best of all an untouched source of happiness awaiting for you to find... I DARE YOU

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