Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Living out of a Suitcase.

The 50 plus U-Haul boxes I saved when moving from Montana came in very handy, for all my belongings were all boxed and taped up and on THE HOTTEST weekend of the year I decided it was the perfect time to move all my belongings into storage...I curse the weekend my moving day fell upon. Jacorian summed it up best by saying - "I didn't even sweat this much playing sports." 98 degree heat plus humidity made for a very sticky-gross weekend. But thanks to family help we were able to get it all cleared out and put into storage for the next 17 days. I am not so thrilled to have to move everything twice nor are my movers aka family members and friends. Yet it was the right move in the end to say goodbye to that townhome as soon as possible. For now we (brother Jacorian and I ) are living out of a suitcase with family until I sign around 98 pieces of paper to become a homeowner. Oh the joys of adulthood...i think...

My life is a bit of a bomb explosion site - having no idea where this is or where that was packed or if the box was stored here or somewhere else. And I am guessing it will be that way for awhile until I get all settled. I heart the fact that I will not have to move or think about moving for some time after this process is complete!!!!!!! Yet I will still be saving all those U-Haul boxes just in case...For now I am enjoying spending time with the cousins and yet in the same breathe glad that when I will be leaving the kids will be staying - ha love them to death but they are a responsibility that I am quite glad that I don't have at this time in my life.

The countdown is now 15 days... And I am ready for new beginnings and leaving a few things in the past. Life is about change and I am ready for a different kind of change to occur one I have never experienced before - so I am embracing the journey as I walk it and learning as I go - and hoping the process goes as fast as it can because I am finding out more and more each day that I packed this away or need that and can't find it. Oh the joys of life esp when you are in transition!


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