Friday, December 12, 2008

Memories to Last...

Its dumpin outside tonite...and living life in the FiSH this is what we all want-pray for and wait for...and its finally here. Tomorrow will be the first pow pow day of the season and I can't wait!!!

Time has seemed to have flown by since I picked up Alice and Michaela and leavin the FiSH just reminds me that my time with them is running low but I am just so grateful for all the time I have had with them on their adventure in the US of A...and hopefully all of those moments and memories with them will last me til I see them again.

Just how I knew it would work out it has! Everyone thus far has loved Alice and Michaela...actually even more than I thought they would. Which means everything to me. And it only goes to show that how I see them is not only just me but everyone...which means I am dead on in the way I see them, know them and tell others about them. Being around them is like being attached to a are just drawn to them and you just want to always be around them...because of the way they make you smile and laugh...and above all they will show you how to truly live...their zest for life is something you just hope sparks a flame in your soul and burns out of controlly for the rest of your life....And the best thing those who have met has told me is that they feel just that when they are around them...They are just truly simply great people to the core of their being.

Life will be strange once they have gone but I am so excited for everything to come for the two of them...their travels cont...and the best still awaits for their arrival. Thou I will miss their faces voices and laughter--- it brings me great joy knowin that they will be doin just that everywhere they go. Their happiness means so much to me. Because they brought so much of just that and more into my life while I was downunder and more recently while they have been with me....I am not sure about the whole religion thing but I do believe that its a blessing to have them in my life and call them friends.
Tonite I took them to the Hu Hot and Target and tomorrow we will hit up the slopes of the FiSH...simple average moments that I will spend with the aussies that will leave me with memories to last my entire life...I am not sure how my stars lined up to cross with theirs to begin with but I do know I will never for one moment that their friendship for granted. It will be hard to see them go but I will put on my best smile and wave them off knowing so much lies ahead of them to explore, to experience, to breath into their soul as well as the places they go and the people they will meet that will change their lives. I know how important this time is for them because of how important that time was in my life when I went to Australia. Alice and Michaela not only want this time but more importantly deserve this time in their lives...They will grow into even better people and from that they will be even able to give more of themselves to those they love and care about. For that what makes them so great because they give so much of themselves to others...and this experience and adventure will only flourish that trait in their being...So much greatness lies in their soul...more than they even know or think they might goes beyond any limits they may think they have.

I love that they love the FiSH and that they find the beauty of the mountains as peaceful and calming as I do--and how such a simple nature site can literally move your soul to tears--for its those simple moments when you take in your surroundings and you breath them deep down into your soul and you are left with one thought...this is what life is truly meant to be all about..Its those moments whether they be sparked by places or people that making living this life and loving this life so easy and so great...So here's to a great day on the slopes...that will be filled with their smiles, their laughter and making memories I know I will keep with me for a life time to come...I take great pride is sharing life in the FiSH with these Aussies.

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