Wednesday, July 24, 2013


 FUNNY - HAHA HAHA - FUNNY. I laugh because well that was me to a T. I would like to think with age that I am growing wiser and it only takes me once or twice to learn something but there are certain things that I tend to fail at over and over again - with no understanding why I have not learned. I can only hope its something that I can one day fully over come.
 If there is one quality I am proud of is the fact that I respect others. And I sure hope its a quality I never lose. But one thing I need to learn and fully do is respect myself. There are certain people I allow to treat me a certain way - and that is as much as my fault as it is theirs because I allow them too. I make up excuses why its ok for them to do this or say that when in the end it simply isn't right. Which in turn is a form of disrespecting myself. I am a strong-will and stand tall with all others - its times that I stand tall when it comes to these select few people as well.
 In the hussle and bussle of life we need to be reminded of this simple task that can make all the difference in the world... ... ... JUST BREATHE.
 I have been told by others I care too much about what other's think. I personally think this is a statement that is utterly untrue. And mainly applies to what they think other's are thinking. For some time now i have been completely comfortable with being just who I am - changing for no one. Take it or leave it. This is me. I have never been a big talker about the real stuff - writter yes and well thats me and will always be me. I have always been one that have kept the respect for others how they feel or try to understand life in their shoes - that will always be me. Relating to understanding someone is not trying to impress someone nor changing for someone. Its simply who I am and who I will always be. I am not here to impress but I am also not here to lecture or preach. People can take me as I am or leave me as I am. Either way I will be just fine.
 I see it all the time - I hear it all the time... HURRY UP. GET MOVING. LET'S GO LET'S GO. MOVE IT. HURRY UP. WE ARE GONNA BE LATE. HURRY UP. I never understood the rush some people are in. I understand there are things you can't be late for but most often than not such things don't apply - people are just in a rush simple as that. It use to drive my friends crazy walking to class with me - or just walking with me in general. You are soo slow - would often be the comment I would most recieve. My comment most often returned was whats' the rush?!?!? Most of us need to simply just slow down. Take our time and enjoy this life. It doesn't last for as long as you think. You will one day run out of tomorrow's. My advice is SLOW DOWN.
 I know one thing for sure you hang around with troubled people you will be up to no good. You have out with good people you will be up to positive things. Its all about who you surround yourself. For its these people who will influnce encourage inspire and support you. They will be the people that see you for you - esp when you are being less of the person that you are capable of being. They will be the ones that lead you back on to the right track when you are lost. They will be the ones that pick you up when you are down. Having people that see you - truly see you are like having a lifesafer. Always there to pull you from the depths of the ocean of life - a candle in a tunnel of darkness. Reminding you of who you are and what you are capable of. Thank God for these people. Thank God.
 There comes a time where you just have to take a leap -forget all the reason why it won't work and just do it. All it takes is one reason to make it worth it - to get you to put yourself out there and try. Regardless of the outcome or what will happen as a result it is worth a shot. I have no intention of hearing reasons why I shouldn't do something - esp when they come from others. I am focusing my attention on the reason why I should do something!!!
Where would we be if we didn't have such people in our lives. Who would we be? Everytime I have found myself knock down or broken to pieces by life these amazing people appear they help me up and carry the pieces until I can put it all back together again. I am forever grateful to have such people in my life and as a thank you in a pay it forward sort of way I hope to be such a person in other's life. For we all need to be the candle and the flame.

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