Friday, January 14, 2011

Love stories.

"You are my sun, my moon and all my stars." -E.E. Cummings

I read this quote and I can only think of two couples. My grandparents. Florian 'Goldy' & Miranda Goldmann and Jacob & Tillie Koch. I think of the time when they first met, when they started dating, when they fell in love, when they became engaged and then married, when they started a family. To me what a time to live, and have your love story, in the 1940's. I look at photos and to me they all look amazing and just classy. Back in the days of suit jackets, ties, dresses, hats and pearls. Back in the days of using Darling instead of Babe. Back in the days of courting and taking your time to get to know each other. Back in the days where it seemed so simple to just be together and that's all you needed. It wasn't about pricey dates, trips or gifts. It was the American dream to just fall in love, start a family and live in a simple home. It wasn't about bigger is better. Maybe that's why so many marriages lasted. They knew who they were marrying and they lived within their means. Sometimes well often I wish I was a girl living in the 40's. But then again like the saying goes the grass is always greenier. So instead I look at the photos of my grandparents and smile for I know they were living the quote from E.E. Cummings. They lived their love story throughout the years and I am so proud to be apart of that story.

1 comment:

The Thorsrud Family said...

I completely agree with you. I wish society didnt always want instant gratification. Women dont respect men (girl power movement) , men are beaten down and act like pansies (since girls took their role) , No one knows whos role is whos. Marriages are often started on the wrong foot, sleeping around, and emotional baggage. So, I know what you mean :( If people had God in their lives, this world might be a little easier.