Tuesday, February 9, 2010

She DID it

She didn't think she could do it. She didn't think she would get in. She applied to four grad schools and was nervous as could be... A couple of days ago the first letter came in... And guess what... They accepted her... She was soo excited. She was on cloud nine. I told her see... you have what it takes. And it won't be long til all four accept. Then she will have a different problem trying to pick which one.

So this post is for my RUBY...she already knows how proud I am of her, but I had to voice it to the whole internet world. I had to tell everyone just how proud I am of my friend. my sister. my person. my ruby. my JAMERS... You did it!! ALL by yourself!! And now you just have to decide which path you will take!! CONGRATS... OLIVE JUICE

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