Sunday, February 7, 2010

Holla to Robert-OOOooo

I am a litte late, but Saturday didn't allow me the time to pop on and get a shout out birthday holla to my Robert-OOOooo - Paulie Wallie - Big Brother Paul. He turned 33 on the 6th. I think he is pretty neat. He's a kid trapped in a man's body with a heart as big as Texas. He loves the Cowboys and Lakers - to the point where his day is completely wrecked if they lose. He's a simple guy that just like to smile and have fun. He's a caring and loving husband. A perfect son to Mom & Dad and a great role model for his sister and brother. He never lets us down and would give us the shirt off his back if we needed it. He is grateful for all that has been given to him and excited to give to those he loves. When you give him a gift -- no matter how big or small whether its homemade or over price that guy will be on cloud nine. And will have the biggest smile you will ever see. Because he is so happy to be thought of and cared about. He is a good man that I know will make an excellent father someday. He makes me proud everday and so blessed to call this big guy my big brother. Happy Birthday Paul...

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