Sunday, April 12, 2009

After Anne...challenge to you

almost some seven years ago I found a book that changed my was the first true book I ever read that made a lasting impact on me-my life and the friendship-love-kindness and understanding that I give...I was given this special book by my friend and roommate at the time Sarah was special from the start for I knew that our friend Tegan's mom wrote it...I was never a reader...that all changed after I read this fact that wasn't the only thing that changed by reading this book...for the biggest change was inspired by what the author Roxanne Henke wrote in my book when she signed it...eleven words total...including my name and hers...she used such simple words that carried profound meaning...and I found my life forever changed by them...

"Michelle-become the friend you long to have. Blessings... Roxy Henke."

And that was the start of my journey of becoming a true friend to all those in my life-all those who will be in my life and all those who come in and out of my life. I didn't think I needed much more guidence than what she wrote me... Then I started to read the book After Anne... And my life changed even more.

Become the friend you long to have...could you even imagine what that would be like... To treat every person in your life like she or he was the friend you have always dreamed of having! Could you even imagine what it would be like having a friend who always treated you like you were the one they were waiting to see and talk to... That you are the best friend they have been looking for wanting and needing! And then you realize that's how they treat everyone... They treat everyone like a rare and special gift... Can you imagine the things that would grow from such a friendship-such a person!

We all have our close of friend- our crew of people-our clan...our close cirlce of loved ones...that we treat with our best-we give our understanding too-we are kind and caring too-we love fully and completely...yet why must it stop there!? For if I know anything its how special that person makes you feel with their love and important you are... How rare you are and the gift that you are... Now if one person can make you feel such a way and from that you are able to be just who you are with confidence and strength when you are around them... Just imagine what life would be like if you found yourself surrounded by such people all the time... Imagine the greatness in that.

I am nowhere close to being perfect but I have always tried my very best to treat the people in my life as the friends I long to have... Sometimes these people pull thru and be that friend back to me-sometimes they are no where close and yet sometimes they are even better than what I ever could imagine.

You can never go wrong with treating someone in the way you would like to be treated. You can never go wrong with showing compassion where you know you would need it if you where in their shoes. You can never go wrong with showing kindness and understanding to people in places you have been. You can never go wrong with embracin the cracks and flaws in someone as marks of perfection and true character. You can never go wrong with treating someone as a rare and special gift... For I know what its like to find yourself in such places where you find yourself wishing you had a friend who understood- you wish you had a friend that didn't judge-that didn't ask questions or wish you had a friend that treated you like you were the friend they have always wanted and needed... Well the first step in finding such friends starts with you!

Yes starts with you becoming the friend you long to have!! And being that friend...always...not just when its easy or just whenever you want to be...but being that friend always -- especially when it isn't easy... Especially when you are upset...hurt or mad...and being that friend truly! By not not not gossing'(what they say downunder) being being taking the showing loving the person for who they embracing everything that emcompasses that person-mistakes-failures-tears-darkness-smiles-laughter and just letting them be who they truly are and loving all parts of all starts with YOU!! And how you treat others...

For how they treat you back is a direct reflection of the friendship and love you give...if you want the most amazing friends in your life...then start with treating the people in your life like they are the most amazing me... The friendships and love you will find are undescribable once you allow yourself to be such a friend... Chances are these amazing friendships have always been in your life... They just need someone to treat them like a friend they always long to have....the challenge lies with you... I hope what Roxanne Henke wrote in my book After Anne almost seven years ago gets you thinking a changing and a doing!!!

"Become the friend you long to have!". I challenge you to be such a everyone in your life-at all moments! And once you truly are such a will find yourself surrounded by such friends yourself!

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