Tuesday, June 25, 2013


My grandmother was a wise woman - she always told me don't judge people for the mistakes they make they are learning just as you are. Sometimes its easy to judge someone and you don't even realize you are doing it - most often than not your body language gives you away. I have no excuses for it because the simple fact is - it happens because we are human - it shouldn't happen but it does. I am quite certain it will continue to happen as the years come and go. What I do know is that I choose to not be apart of the judging. Because the truth of it - i make mistakes and mess up too - I don't want to be defined by those things so its not fair to judge people for the same thing. There I believe is goodness in all of us - some its easy to find others it takes searching.  What I know is that there is so much more to someone then what meets the eye. You just have to give them a chance to show you the ocean that is their being.
I truly think that the best relationship you can have is one with yourself. And no I am not just saying that because I am single. I say that because its only when you truly know yourself and enjoy the comany of yourself then you can truly give yourself to another or others. I have gotten quite fond of being alone and spending time with myself. Ya I have my days where I wish I had the company of others but for the most part I am content and at ease with just being.
Searching deep within yourself is often where you should turn not searching at the limbs of life. I will admit searching in the root of things or your being requires a heck of alot more work but its work that will lead to the best results. So often I find myself taking the easy way out by looking at external forces that need my attention but the truth of it is - its the core - the root that needs attention.
You ever want to do something but its usually looked upon as strange because its goes against the normal flow of life? There is nothing worse than seeming crazy just because you want something different or you do things in a different way. I will admit sometimes when I follow my heart it means I lose my mind for awhile. Sometimes my mind is right and my heart is wrong then there are times when my heart is right and my mind is wrong. Like life its no perfect. Its trial and error - a process. But a process worth taking even if it means losing your mind.
I often think of the amount of times I could have had this fight or that agruement. I wonder how often it looked like I didn't care or that I thought I was wrong? To be honest I just don't care what it looked like. Battles are well drama - some of them are worth having others its just better for me to walk away or to say I am sorry even if I know its not my fault. The state of peace is far more better than the state of anger.
Why is it we are force to find out who we are in those moments of life that test us - challenge us or change us ? I mean why can't we figure out such things in not such a high pressured situation? I do realize that everytime I find myself in such a spot and actually stay true to myself its easier to figure out just who I am other times I feel like I have no a clue who I am or what I stand for - which always reminds me that I have still things to learn and grow from.
My mother would not be impressed with this quote - saying. But it is simply put. Things always could be worse. Granted I know in the moment its hard to step outside and accept that when you feel like your heart has been ripped out of your chest - but it still could be worse.

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