Monday, June 24, 2013


Its hard to let go of the wheel at times when dealing with life - the status quo is to want what you want and have it right now in this moment. Sometimes we fail to realize that maybe now isn't the right time but it doesn't mean its never going to happen. Maybe its with a certain time we learn such lessons and gain such knowledge to help better us for when it actually does happen. However I will completely agree WAITING BLOWS.
Why life has to be seen as a two sided coin I will know know but I am positive the flip of life goes hand in hand. You can't without a doubt have one without the other. Its impossible. The balance of life requires you to have both sides in order for it to be maintained simple as that. You must know sorrow to know the value of happiness. You must know failure to know the value of success. You must know death to know the value of life. You know know tears to know the value of laughter. You must know suffering to know the value of overcoming it. It all goes hand in hand.
I think life is full of enough things that can be or will be robbing us of peace. Maybe with age you just don't see the point in holding onto things that find us being robbed of such peace within ourselves because we are too hard headed to forgive and move on or let go. I have never seen the point in staying mad. Prolly because I can't stand not being at peace with myself for a long extent of time when I do have the choice of being at such a state. Now if I can learn how to think in that same frame of mind when forgiving myself - now that would be a huge step in the right direction.
There are times when I wonder who in the world ever thought I was possibly ever strong enough. Or the thought will run across my mind you do realize I am human and not superwoman right - you aren't getting me mixed with with the girl in the red cape are you??? I know I can endure because I have endured but sometimes I wish someone somewhere didn't think I was capable of so much from time to time.
Pictures are not always what you think. Not everything lies on the surface for the eyes to see.  Often the wounds and hurt lie deep under neath hidden from the naked eye. Don't assume. Don't judge. Don't think you know the whole story. Don't think someone has it better or the grass is greenier. Be gentle with others for you have no idea what battles they are fighiting or have fought. 
Why does it take such things to know such things? And better yet why can't we remember such things at all times?  Why do we forget or take such things for granted until life's lessons makes us fully aware of them all over again?
We are not beings made of metal and stone we are of flesh and blood which means we feel. I am learning to control this and I have found its not an easy process esp when it invloves certain people in life. I am learning to let go which is also proven to be quite difficult as well but remains truth is the fact that I am still here. Still breathing. Still kicking. Still alive. Which means I am finding a way of carrying on. My goal thou is to not let others have the power over my inner peace - I am not there. But I am working towards it.
If one thing I am certain of is that I never take the path more traveled. Sometimes I wonder thou if it wouldn't be a bad idea from time to time todo such. Since not only do I pick the path thats less traveled the thought crosses my mind that maybe its not even a path at all - that i am in fact the one who is cutting the first tracks. Its no wonder why I arrive late to things - I will find myself looking down a well lit paved maintained road where you can see for miles and mile and then turn my head and be drawn towards the path that is thickly covered in trees dark as night and you lose your vision of what lies behind after a few feet and find myself saying awe I think I will go that way. Its a struggle - its never easy - I sometimes want to turn around - it can be a complete challenge of hard climbing and difficult obstacles to overcome but I will admit such paths have taken me places I never dreamed of being and I have found myself in places that have made it all worth it. I have never been anything but bored on paths that have been worn completely in by 1000's and thou I wish at times this wasn't the case - i realize the blessings and the gift it is to go your own way - even when you have no iead where you might end up or just how long it will take you to get there. Its worth it.

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