Monday, June 24, 2013


Could you imagine the world we would live in if this was a goal for today for everyone!?!?!? 
Its hard to realize what we hold onto because how hard it is for us to let go of.  The letting go process is a difficult hard and challenging task that requires as much work and time to complete. Sometimes not only is changing hard but to realize that others have changed which now plays into affect regarding you because of that change. It brings great pride in seeing someone change for the better but then upon realizing you aren't apart of that peron's life anymore is a hard fact to accept. I do know that knowing such things keeps you humble and grouned. Sometimes the people we think we are to others we simply aren't . And often times it takes learning the hard way that you have things you need to work on. Change its always a process that never comes easy.
I am quite certain this saying is true btu what it doens't say is how do you know for certain what you are suppose to let go of and what you are suppose to hold onto?  Why is this never just common knowledge - why can't life be more black and white? Well actually life is black and white its us humans that add the gray area to it. Things like emotions thougths and feelings play a huge role in it and if you are dealing with another human then you have double that. Those are the times in life I wish I had a spoiler to whats to come so I knew yes ok let go of this and embrace whats to come or no hold onto this it will work out... 
I want to have faith in myself that even when I am down on my luck - even when I have been knocked face down on the ground - even when my world appears to be shattered that I will still extend a helping hand - I will still show kindness. I will still treat people just as I would when things are going my way. 

Why is it that we are out to impress? For praise? To be noticed? What is it?
I have done just that from time to time more than I would like to admit do things for others that I had no desire to do myself but did anyways for others. There will always be certain things and times that such is needed. But I am getting as far away to doing something just to impress now days. I am out to impress if only one person and thats myself. And I would reather be making something of myself than impressing myself or others.
I figured this out some time ago.
I don't even try to pretend anymore that
I have any control. Because just when I
do think that I do I usually get bitch slapped
back into reality to make me fully
and completely realize that I do not have control.
The joke tends to always be on me when I am
thinking in such a frame of mind.
We are such beings of our own destruction - each day we are given this given that arrives anew with each day and often we waste it because of what happened yesterday. Why are such things as regret so hard to live with or more importantly let go of? Why do we allow it to be apart of our future in a way that it fogs or even ruins that future? I know we are to learn and grow from life's lessons I am unsure of how we let go of things that we know are filled with mistakes - failures and regrets  that are based solely on us as the people who are held responsible.  There has to be a happy medium - a place I have yet to find when it comes to such things as regret. I am fully aware of the fact that I allow yesterday to carry over into today when dealing with such things. Is it because I am too stubborn or is it because I just can't handle living with regret? That I will admit I am in quest to figure out.
This is easier said than done. As much of a glass is half full kind of person I am - I know that there are certain things in life that happen in our lives that change us and sometimes the change is a result of making us better and sometimes the change is a result of making us bitter. As much as I want to believe and try to aim for the better and not the bitter I realize somethings do leave an impact and we sometimes have a choice fully over it by turning it into something better but sometimes its beyond our emotional control and it leaves us bitter.
There have been moments in my life where I basically felt too much - the emotions that I was feeling was too much for me to handle. I will be the first to say I never want that feeling to ever ever come again.  So I will say that I prolly changed that day - some times I often wonder did I change for the better or worse? Did I put up a wall or the works of a bridge? Time will tell. But I do know there are certain feelings and times in this life that are just a little too much - that once is truly enough and I just don't care to ever venture to have such moments again.

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