Friday, March 27, 2009

Finally Friday

Its been a long week...filled with deaths floods survival and so much more. I am glad to see this week come to an end...glad to get it behind me...glad to look ahead to a fresh new week to come.

Bad things happen in life...but so much can be found in those moments...the understanding-kindness-gentle caring ways-love-support-compassion and humanity people-loved ones and strangers alike give and show in those times of darkness is in a word AMAZING. Its so inspiring to amazing to feel that love and kindness. I am grateful for such unbelieveable people not only in my life but more importantly in the lives that are hurting. These people hold onto us when we feel like completely letting go...These people walk in the darkness and shine their light on us to help us find our way...These people blanket us in love when we are filled with sorrow and tears...These people help us find our smile and hear our laughter again....These people show us thru their actions that life even in darkness and sadness holds HOPE...hope for light...hope for happiness..hope for a better tomorrow....each of us at one point in life(at many times in life) will be on both ends of this stick of life...Remember what others did for you when you were in your darkness...and be sure to give right sure to pay it forward...because when you find yourself in those moments-having people like that in your life...could just save your life...and mean everything.

Sorrow will carve a hole that love will fill...isn't that the truth....

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