I have yet to sub teacher at the elementary level...So when I got a cancellation at the high school and was asked to come to the grade school level I jumped at the chance...and then they informed me...oh and Michelle you will be be spending the day with 19 6yr olds...I replied back...Kindergarten? "Is that okay?" Well might as well be feed to the wolves and all will seem easy after this I said back with a laugh in my voice...and feed to the wolves I was at first.
The moment I started the day i heard...um thats not how teacher does it. Mrs. Ruth does it this way. thats not right...you are doing it wrong...and so on....They we
Here are my top 5 favorite OC moments of the day.....
#5 Being informed by Tally a red headed girl that there are only to be 2 people at the sand box at a time during Centers...I look over and see that I have allowed not just 3 but 4...I said well today there will be 4...as I say this 2 little boys dump shovels of sand on the floor.
#4 Taking the 19 6 year olds to reading that involved a 5 minute walk thru the entire school...which by the way my line started at the reading room and ended in the classroom...I couldn't for the life of my to get all the kids to walk some what together...no matter how many times I stopped...ALSO EVERYONE! EVERYONE!! in the school knew we were in the halls.
#3 Calling my mom during my prep asking her the meaning of words in a book that I was to read to a kindgarten class....i am not proud of this moment...but oh how she loved it!
#2 What are the chances that 17 kids forgot their snack during snack time...i doubt it...they saw what I had to hand out and all of a sudden no one had snacks.
#1 BATHROOM BREAK....have you ever tried to take 19 kids to the bathroom at one time? and not just any age of kids but 19 5 to 6 year olds?? What made thi
Honorable Mentions
*Telling a girl to keep her shirt on for most of the day
*On recess comforting a little girl who was out of the blue homesick and wanted her mom
*Telling Turner (who by the way has a 10 pound head with a blond mop hair style...just might be the cutiest kid ever) to glue isn't really something he should drink like milk even if it is the same color
*Listening to sutter Jonnie the helper of the day talk...since he was
*Kendall and Haley...two little blondies...who sit next to each other who are couldn't act so different thou for some reason look aliked...Kendall...perfect little girl...with the matchin hair pieces to her outfit and the kind of kid that brushes her hair and teeth...who follows directions and colors in the line...listens...quiet...perfect...then there was Haley...her direct opposite...I couldn't figure out who I felt more sorry for...Kendall for having to see next to Haley? Or Haley having to sit next to Kendall....turns out it prolli best for both of them
*Rest time...lets get real NO ONE RESTS during REST TIME...NO ONE
It was a day that I felt I had no control over what so ever...I wanted and needed a whistle so bad all day...but at days end I was glad I never had one...I didn't lose any kids, didn't kill any kids, we didn't break anything...well that I know of...didn't lose anything...well that I know of...we got everything covered..I won't say done...but to the best we could...I know I didn't do things even close to how she planned or had in mind....but we got thru it...I didn't sit or have a moment to myself for the entire day...I was always moving always going...and I loved it...It was the first time in a very long time that I lived in one single moment...and
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